The purpose of establishing a leadership development relationship in an organization is to ensure that a developing leader has an accessible feedback provider, a sounding board, a comparison point, and a helpful interpreter of feedback data. Development of such relationships should be based on a personal assessment of the leader. A personal assessment presents a leader with an understanding of where he or she is now, current strengths, level of current performance and effectiveness, and what his or her primary development needs are. Additionally, it provides a leader with a benchmark for future development and stimulates him or her to evaluate self - (Excellences, Shortcomings, Perceptions, Conducts, Abilities, and Values). Self assessment is expected to direct the leader towards a desire to close the gap between the current self and an ideal self. It also expected to clarify his or her need for change and to provide some clues about how the perceived gaps between current and hoped for selves can be bridged.
A leader at the edge of current self who aspires for a better self requires a dialogue partner, an assignment broker, an accountant, and a role model. Such a leader is edging self out of his or her comfort zone. As such he or she is experiencing a vital personal disequilibrium as a result of questioning the adequacy of current leadership skills, frameworks, and approaches against new leadership encounters. He or she is seeking new capacities in order to avoid becoming obsolete and unnecessary. Leadership obsolescence is a product of unforeseen organizational changes, challenging leadership goals, and novel leadership situations that create an inner personal conflict. Without inner struggles a leader is not adequately motivated to seek opportunities for personal leadership development. Leader development occurs when an individual conquers internal and external leadership challenges through experimentation and practice until he or she discovers newer workable perspectives.
Personal leadership adventure towards becoming a more efficient and effective organizational leader requires support. A developing leader needs a counselor, a cheerleader, a reinforcer, and a companion. Such a supporter helps the developing leader to handle the struggle and pain of developing. The supporter helps the developing leader to shoulder better both the weight of the new leadership encounters and loss of personal confidence. New leadership encounters have got a way of leading one to question self-worth, value, and personal ability to learn and grow.
Therefore, every leader requires a worthy supporter during transformational moments. Such a valuable supporter is expected to help the developing leader maintain a healthy self concept and confidence in one’s ability to learn and grow. If such a supporter is mature then he or she should help the developing leader to attach value to the transformational leadership experiences taking place during the development process. In addition, he or she should aid the developing leader’s learning process through helpful affirmation and clarification of issues and personal concerns.